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These beans come to us from a coffee coop made up of 2300 small-scale farmers in the Segovia mountains of northwestern Nicaragua. PRODECOOP has spent the last several years identifying and marketing the best beans from the region's shade grown coffee farms in order to improve the economic status of the farming families. The coop families are proud to offer these excellent, high quality coffees as an example of their hard work and dedication.
Over 2300 small-scale farmers have joined together to create the Central Multiple Service Cooperative, better known as PRODECOOP. The farms are located in the Segovia mountains of .northwestern Nicaragua, an area that includes the departments of Madriz, Nueva Segovia, and Esteli. The coffees produced in these areas are cultivated under shade trees, and the beans are manually harvested. The initial coffee processing takes place on the individual farms. Sun drying and final processing takes place at the coop’s dry mill, Las Segovias, located in the town of Palacaguina. PRODECOOP carefully supervises all phases of the coffee production and processing in order to ensure strict quality control. The coop has spent the last few years identifying and marketing the coop’s best coffees in order to improve the economic status of all the farmers. The coop families are proud to offer these excellent, high quality coffees as an example of their hard work and dedication.
You will find this coffee to have a smooth and light body with a well balanced medium acidity. The flavor is sweet and mellow with mild nutty tones. Give it a try and know that these beans were picked and produced with pride.
We select and import only the finest quality, hand-picked gourmet Arabica beans from around the world. We roast our coffee in small batches after you order and ship them within 24 hours to ensure absolute freshness.